Sunday, May 9, 2010

I love you, Mommy

Thank you for teaching me to laugh, smile, and enjoy life...
To love Leslie with all my heart because that's what sisters are for...
To stay strong and always look at the bright side of things...
For being my closest friend and loving me despite all my flaws
For sending me care packages, notes, money, emails....
For saying hilarious things that always make me giggle ("Yeah umm, I'd like to order the garbage can.")
For supporting me and my Great American Novel and inspiring me along the way...
For providing me with amazing, precious opportunities 
For being my beautiful mother, the glue that holds our family together.  We love you so much.  Words cannot describe how thankful I am for your blessings.  There was a time when I didn't know if I would have you in my life....I'll never forget that- your strength, your determination to live and recover, your beauty when you were literally drained of everything- and it has made me cherish you more and more each day.  I'm sorry if I ever "made your blood pressure high," and I hope that I can live by your example.  I am so proud to be your daughter.  I'm looking forward to seeing you on Saturday and embarking on our adventures!

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