Thursday, March 18, 2010

❤ Headbands and Headwraps

I'll post a better photo soon, but I'm just too excited about the headwrap I made today.  It's spring break, but I've been pulling all-nighters for the past few days to work on epic projects and short stories.  This headwrap was on my list of Things To Do as well.  As Artistic Director for the Nikkei Culture Night  (it's 3 weeks away?!?! AHH), I oversee the skit and manage all artistic decisions for the show (set design, costumes, etc.).  The show is based on the Yellow Power Movement of the 1960s and 1970s so I busted out my crochet skills and stitched away!

(This headband is for my friend Amara.  She is part of the Main Cast and plays Kristen, a young activist/hippie in L.A.'s Little Tokyo.)

I made a bunch of headbands as Christmas gifts so it was nice to make more.

I love headbands, especially my flower power headwrap.  I've wanted to get a headwrap for a while, but I could never find one in my budget that also looked good on me.

            Free People Applique Stretch Headband: $24      

        Urban Outfitters: $24 $35 No. 60: $95 No. 101: $165 She Loves the Ritz: $200

The elastic ones tended to bunch my hair into a tangled mushroom cap.  I like this headwrap because I can adjust it, and the yarn is very soft and doesn't itch.  It also keeps my bangs out of my face nicely (even though I'm fighting the urge to cut my bangs...)

I'm giving it to Amara on Sunday so I really want to make one for myself.  I have a feeling I'll be working on it at 3 A.M. when I watched "Three's Company" on TV Land.  :)

P.S.  Don't you just love Mamegoma?

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