Saturday, August 14, 2010


Doesn't this look dreamy?  It's the Mixed Berry Parfait from Red Mango.  I've gotten my mom and my sister addicted to it!

The smell of baked potatoes is wafting from my kitchen.  I really wish I could cook more, but I don't have convenient access to fresh groceries when I'm on campus.  We have a supermarket in walking distance, but I can't trust their quality.  I guess for now, I'll just have to explore the restaurants opening up at our new Student Center.  I'm looking forward to the opening of "Lemonade."  Lavender watermelon lemonade?  Yummm!

This is going to be the last Saturday I will be able to sleep in until December so I'm determined to make it a productive yet relaxing day.  I'll be on the field for band camp starting Tuesday.  Once school starts, we will have rehearsals four times a week including Saturday mornings at 6:34 A.M.  It is definitely hard work but also very rewarding.  Everyone on campus admires the band, and it is such an honor to represent my school.  It's still surreal because I was never really sure if I could survive college band.  In high school, I listened to the band's CDs but remained too intimidated to seriously consider joining after I had heard stories about college band.  Luckily, I didn't listen to the insecure voices in my head, and now here I am!  On this day last year, I had just moved into my apartment and anticipated a new chapter in my college life.  Time really flies.

Fight on!

1 comment:

  1. That parfait looks delicious! I'm craving granola right now...


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