The Urban Craft Center immediately caught our eyes with its quilted tent, fun bunting and garland, and giant yarn ball.
I was very attracted to Cheryl Cambras' work. She made the birds above, and I was very close to purchasing her pattern for the sweetest tiara ever, but I managed to talk myself out of it. I didn't want to buy just anything that caught my eye (although I will most likely buy the tiara pattern on her Etsy someday) so Andi and I looked around the entire fair first and made our purchases last.
It was hard to resist taking pictures of everything. I had a ton of fun snapping away on my Nikon, but I guess Andi and I got a little too camera happy at times. One of the vendors asked us not to photograph her work which I completely understand. However, I was pretty offended when a different vendor basically scolded Andi for photographing a row of colorful headbands in the tent adjacent to hers. She told us, "You know, you should really ask the artist for permission before taking any pictures." She continued to lecture us, and then she had the audacity to try to sell us her weird jewelry! As much as I understand what she means, I don't appreciate her talking down on us as if we wouldn't give artists full credit for their work. And why should I bother buying her merchandise when she so rudely hinders my creative liberties? Plus, bloggers basically give them free publicity, and you're not going to sell anything if you hide it from the world.
Anyways, here are my favorites from the fair:
Matt bought a fun cyclops from Mr. Sogs. In addition to whimsical monsters and creatures, they had some really cute and colorful penguins for sale.
Peanut Butter Dynamite had the softest, roundest, cutest crochet rugs and plushies.
I really liked this squid dude from Woolie Originals. He was on dresses, skirts, and beanies (I saw a guy wearing one later around the fair haha). Her arm warmers were nice too!
Janie XY's fleece friends and adorable storefront were too cute to pass up. I bought a turkey leg for Josh!
I was too busy being a complete fangirl to take any pictures of Oh, hello friend's booth (although it was very crowded so it probably would've been difficult anyway). She was the one person that I knew I HAD to see. She even gave me a free pocket mirror for being a reader! Danni is a genuine sweetie and her husband Nick was such a big help to her. I could really tell how much they love each other. I bought a few trinkets from her including this delicate bow necklace. Andi bought her popular pocket watch necklace.
Gorgeous hand dyed fiber and yarn from Bee Mice Elf.
Felt is one of my favorite materials (tulle still reigns supreme), and OhMa Felt really took it to the next level. They had fairy wands on natural wood twigs, felt friends with tons of personality, banners, and more. And to top it all off, their felt is all hand-dyed.
Fernworks left Andi and me speechless. The handpaintings and found objects (like honeycomb, insects, and plants) are layered on multiple levels of glass to create truly unique, dimensional jewelry and art.
Andi bought a really nifty terrarium from Planted. I would like to have a collection of small terrariums in my future home.
I loved Zooguu's display and bulbous critters. The octopus even had a suction cup-like padding on the bottom. Andi purchased a turtle, and Leslie got the narwhal. I was really tempted to buy the mini narwhal!
I struck up a conversation with Late to the Revolution. They were sooo nice and kept themselves productive with crochet during some down time.
Skeletal Dropkick (Ochibo) was very high on my list of favorites. Her crochet and ceramic critters really inspired me to spend more time in my sketchbook. I used to doodle in it everyday, but I often get too swept up in other work to find time to draw. Her sketches are so clean and endearing. Leslie, Matt, Andi, and I were instantly sold. We each bought a crochet critter (they have handmade ceramic hearts inside, sooo cute!). Leslie and Matt bought some other goodies like the ceramic log pictured below (it has a different face on each side!) and Cristina was so kind to offer a free pendant to each of us.
Cristina's charismatic personality and unique style made us want to buy everything on the table. I'll definitely be keeping my eye on her. I had a great time reading her feature on Etsy.
Check out Cristina's awesome hair and hand-embroidered apron! She said it took her one whole day to make it. Definitely worth it!I love my "Microchibus Krabbus" with his little dignified legs and different sized eyeballs. He is quite pleased to meet me.
Steppie's stuff is so cute and trendy! Who doesn't love pandas? I was going to buy a tank top, but I didn't want to spend too much on myself.
Kokocandles was selling the most unique candles I have ever seen like Hello Kitty, cupcakes, ice cream, macaroni and cheese in a dainty ramekin, and a little poop on portable turf (sounds weird, but it was so cute!). I would be too sad to actually use the candle and watch the wax melt.
I can't stop thinking about Le Petit Elefant. Genevieve Santos' drawings are full of so much life and adventure, from childlike caricatures and chubby monsters to romantic portraits. I am a huge fan now!!!
Other notable shops that I unfortunately do not have pictures of:
- Lil Sprinkles (she had a USC doll!)
- Shower Art
- Vinyl Frontier
- Nice
- Creative Thursday
Thank you for an awesome fun day, Andi! Dandi dates are the best!
And Renegade Craft Fair- I'll see you soon from the other side of the booth! I already have visions of what my booth will look like. As I walked around, I could really imagine myself there in two or three years. I loved the creative energy, meeting bloggers and Etsy shop-owners face to face, and being surrounded by examples of people who have built successful businesses around their creations. Some people asked me for my business card when I mentioned that I blogged and had an Etsy (which will probably continue to be on vacation until I graduate. Disappointing, but I have to focus on my priorities). Unfortunately, I don't have any business cards....yet!
Daphne, this is such a wonderful/fabulous round up of Renegade!! It was sooo lovely meeting you, you were just so sweet & definitely made my weekend -- It's always fun meeting new friends ;) Thank you for stopping by and saying hello & supporting! Hope we can hang out + get together in the future! xo, danni