Thursday, July 29, 2010

friday finds: Hey, soupface!

Hey, soupface!  Where have you been all my life?  Doug, the mastermind behind the magic, is such an inspiring, friendly fellow!  His creations have so much heart, and I hope that I can find the time to bring my doodles to life soon as well.

Look!!! There's more!!! 

I made a stop motion claymation project for a high school computer animation class (was that really four years ago?), but if you want to see stop motion at its finest, click the link above and be prepared to watch the work of a genius!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

tuesday tell-all: restart

After months of dilly-dallying, I finally restarted my phone because it had corrupted audio files (a common problem with my phone apparently).  It was silly to use a phone that had no ringtone, but it took me a while to click the three-lettered word that would erase my pictures and texts from the past 2.5 years.  Last night at around 2 a.m., I committed to that "Yes" and said goodbye to a lot of memories.  Maybe I'm weird for being so attached to my text messages, but many of those brief sentences carry a lot of heart.  Those were the words that brought a smile to my face, reassured me that I had not lost touch with a friend, or simply amused me when I was bored.  I started to write down the really special ones in a notebook until I realized that some of these "special" texts were the ones that brought back hurtful memories of a time I had outgrown.  Sure it's nice to be nostalgic, but it was even nicer to clean my phone of corrupted audio files and corrupted memories.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

my second sketchbook

When I was in junior high, I drew Disney collages for my friends on their birthdays.

Then one summer, I checked out "Drawing for Dummies" from the library to teach myself some fancy words and skills like "contour" and "form."
Look, I even took notes on the "10 Commandments of Drawing"!  I am not a nerd at all!

Not too bad for a thirteen/fourteen year old, huh?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

my first sketchbook

When I was a little munchkin, I doodled my heart out in this red sketchbook with the help of my sister.  My sister wrote "Daphne's Notebook" for me...and you can ignore the other stuff that some crazy little girl wrote...
My sister drew that little caricature of me, and I drew one back for her.  Too bad she's missing a third of her hair.
D.O.L.'s. (daily oral language).  Wow, really?  Realllly??  This is what I wrote in my sketchbook?  No wonder I'm an English nerd.  Anyways, my sister drew that penguin and crab.
And that Easter Bunny and Creepy Crawler.  Don't ask.
You see, my sister taught me how to draw.  She would sketch things in marker for me, and I would trace the image on the opposite page because the marker would bleed through.  Thanks, Leslie!

Yesterday, I taught teens how to tie-dye at the library.  One of the girls I talked to told me that when she grows up, she wants to be a draw-er.  It brought a big smile to my face because I've been so absorbed with my major and minors that I forgot that used to be a dream of mine too: simply drawing and investing myself in a career that isn't even a proper word.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

tuesday tell-all: 10 random facts

1.  I refuse to eat melted ice cream.  It's just wrong.
2.  I can read things aloud really fast.  (I discovered this when we played a game in Chemistry.  It involved reading clues about the periodic table to your team as fast as you could.  Yay.).
3.  In another life, I will be a marine biologist.
4.  If one of my hands is dirty, I must always wash both of them because when I was little, my mom told me that my other clean hand would get lonely if it wasn't under the faucet too.
5.  My right foot is a tiny bit bigger than my left foot.  It's not noticeable, but it's difficult to wear certain kinds of shoes.
6.  Space Mountain is my favorite.
7.  Scrambled eggs are my specialty.
8.  I prefer acoustic covers of songs; therefore, I have a weak spot for boys who play guitar.
9.  I really enjoy waking up in the morning and seeing that little text message envelope icon waiting to be opened.
10.  Frozen Coke > Cherry Coke > Coke > Pepsi.

Friday, July 16, 2010


This morning, I received a text from a friend that said, "Hahaha my mom asked me if you were over last night.  She remembers your laugh ahahahaha."  This night, I was served by an awkward waiter who appeared at our table as my friend was telling the punch line of a joke.  I laughed hysterically, but the waiter thought I was laughing at his entrance.  And then he proceeded to be even more awkward ("Would you like a box?" "Yes, please." "I like those manners." "Ha...haha?") so I just laughed more.

I hope I'm not one of those people who giggles nervously after everything they say.

I don't think I make a habit of laughing; I just find a lot of things really funny.  For example, one day my sister and I went to Barnes & Noble and wandered to the Humor section where we found gems like this:

I love this so much, you don't even know.

I also came across a really cool book at the library yesterday.

ReadyMade: How to Make [almost] Everything by Shoshana Berger and Grace Hawthorne.

It has really cool projects like the Take-Out Chandelier.
Yes, those are hundreds of plastic forks, spoons, and knives attached with paper clips to large plastic bowls.

The book also had a section about DIY skin rejuvenation and wrinkle prevention.  One of the best instructions went something like this: "Never smile.  Sure, those kinds of people might feel good inside, but they look like crap."

I know I didn't word it correctly and maybe I'm messed up, but I think that's really funny.

friday finds: Jesse LeDoux, PassionateJewelry, This Neck of the Woods

Monday, July 12, 2010

tuesday tell-all: Rapunzel status

4 more inches (give or take) and then it's off to Locks of Love!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

silly hammies!

DIY: Kokeshi dolls

Cute and easy to make!  The one pictured above was a gift for my mom.  I followed this pattern loosely, but you basically just make a round ball for the head and attach it to a cylindrical body.  Easy peasyyy.

Friday, July 9, 2010

friday finds: Bella Caley

After spending the morning with my cousins (playing doctor/dentist), my mom and I enjoyed a hot summer day around downtown Naperville.  We nommed on an ensalada caprese (I love that stuff), skirt steak, and caramel plantains with vanilla ice cream at Tango.  We stopped by Barnes & Noble and other quaint boutiques, but our favorite was Bella Caley.  After spending five minutes admiring the unique dresses in the window display, we couldn't wait to step inside!  The styles are so beautiful and one-of-a-kind.  We loved everything we saw, especially the dresses (which were all under $100!  whaaattt).  It was one of those stores that makes you say, "Why didn't I know about this place before??"  Well it opened a month ago so I'm happy that we discovered it.  I refrained from buying anything this time because I'm not in desperate need for a dress or fancy clothes at the moment (plus I kinda hate buying things that aren't on sale), but I'll definitely be back!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

tuesday tell-all: friends are

+ the kids who out-ran everyone else to save you a seat on the swingset
+ the people who can talk with you for hours at a time despite months of absence
+ the sister who took the time to send so many cards to me at home while she was studying and working in CA
+ the gals who read your blog and discover your etsy without you even knowing
+ the best friends who tell you that they drive past your house every now and then even though they know you're thousands of miles away
Friendship has been on my mind lately; the ugly and pretty sides of it.  I've had my share of falling-outs...that's why I compiled the brief list above.  It documents a few of those love-you-like-a-sister friendships that I have been blessed with.  And lucky me, I have a sister!  As my dad would say, "I've hit the jackpot!"  (although my dad says that when we're waiting for a table at a restaurant and they call our number haha).

By the way, hello to my new followers, and thank you so much for following!  I'm so happy that you like what you see!

© 2009-2013 DAPHNE HO